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Sulman Machinery Corporation
Founded in 2001
M/s SMC is Sole Importer and Distributors of M/s Chongqing Rato Technology Co., Ltd (China) and one of the leading dealer of Honda Atlas Power Product (Pvt.) Ltd (Power products – Pakistan). The company achieved best sales dealer’s awards last several years. The integrity, dedication, resourcefulness and determination to succeed which are characteristic of company today, are often traced back to its birth during those days of relentless devotion to a common cause.
M/s Sulman Machinery Corporation importing power products, water pumps, Engines, Tillers and Agricultural machinery from China since 2010. We are representing one of the biggest Chinses brand RATO. We are also dealing in our OEM brand name Meiji, Yamma Power and Yokohama.

M/s Sulman Machinery Corporation mission is to become a nationwide enterprise fulfilling its customers' needs and aspirations for power solutions. The company will provide an engaging environment for its people to perform to their true potential. It will continue its focus on value creation and enduring relationships.
The story of M/s Sulman Machinery Corporation began with a simple vision - the vision of power solution reflects its commitment towards providing world class mobility solutions with renewed focus on expanding company's footprint in the market.
Scope of Warranty
Sulman Machinery Corporation. Warrants all its products in Pakistan’s plants, distributed in Pakistan and sold through its authorized dealer (M/s Sulman Machinery Corporation) to be free, under normal use and condition from any defect both in material and workmanship, subject to the following terms and conditions.
Our values
We are the leading operator on the Norwegian continental shelf and have substantial international activities. We are engaged in exploration, development and production of oil and gas, as well as wind and solar power. We sell crude oil and are a major supplier of natural gas, with activities in processing, refining, and trading. Our activities are managed through eight business areas, staffs and support divisions, and we have operations in North and South America, Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania, and Norway.

Why we’re different
As fellow entrepreneurs, we understand the need for space which gives your business room to breathe and grow.
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What our customers say

Emilia Clarke
Kit Harington
Manager FusionThemes
Peter Dinklage
Designer OceanThemesOUR
Valued Clients